p12 graph

We're please to announce that the finalists are: MTR's 'New Lines new Minds Enginetic' and 'New Lines and New Minds'; two Arup teams 'They think its all Ova' and 'The Ovaheads'; Atkins India's 'VIRTUS' and Mott MacDonald's 'MM Money Makers'.

This is a remarkable achievement for MTR as this is the first time MTR have entered MERIT. Arups have been Champions twice and are the reigning Champions and with two teams in the final they clearly intend to retain their crown.

Atkins India's 'VIRTUS' qualify for the final by coming fifth. As this is the first time in the top six, their entry is well timed.

Mott MacDonald have also been Champions twice and dropping from fourth to sixth held on to compete again.

With only 674 points separating the top team and the sixth placed team the final promises to be intense. The rules change in the final. It is more competitive, there are eight rounds in a day and a half, and teams have to work hard to succeed. Who'll win, pick any one from six.

AURECON's 'Global' squeezed out of the top six to 9th place not quite where they wanted to be and having seen AURECON teams in the last two finals we will miss their lively presence. The other AURECON high fliers are 'Unicon', 'AurecANZ' and 'Aurecon Green Extreme' at 11th, 12th and 15th.

'AMEY MDP' have had a good competition and nearly made it but not quite at 7th.

We're all proud of the performance of the student team from UTM, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Coming in at 8th they were also very close to the final six. Last year UTM entered a team for the first time and have clearly learned from the experience as this years performance was excellent. This is the highest position ever achieved by a student team.

Atkins HK's 'NOVA' flirted with top six placings but have ended at 10th, so we won't have Atkins HK in the final this year. Having seen them there in the last two, we'll miss them too.

Creditable performances also came from Atkins HK 'GAP', Severn Trent Water's 'STW Asset Creation', 'AECOMeritocracy' SKM's 'Southern Konstruction Management' and 'ProP', Arup (Australia)'s YAP and AECOM's 'AECOMManders'.

This has been an exciting MERIT competition, standards have been high and the rankings in the leader board have change every round. We enjoyed running it and we've greatly enjoyed the feedback we've had as the game as progressed.

Many thanks to all who participated.

The Sponsors Award this year will be presented to Arups at the Final.


{arijdatatable bAutoWidth="false"} {arisqltable} {arisqltablecolumns} {arisqltablecolumn id="rank" alias="Position" className="idg" className="centerit"} {arisqltablecolumn id="team" alias="Team" headerClassName="head"} {arisqltablecolumn id="sponsor" alias="Sponsor" headerClassName="head"} {arisqltablecolumn id="result" alias="Total Rating" headerClassName="head" className="centerit"} {arisqltablecolumn id="improv" alias="% Improve." headerClassName="head" className="centerit"} {/arisqltablecolumns} {arisqltablequery} SELECT @rank := @rank + 1 AS rank, T1.* FROM ( SELECT #__users.name AS team, #__mrt_team_sponsors.sponsor AS sponsor, c.t_rating as result, ROUND(((100/(SELECT p.t_rating FROM #__mrt_game_results p WHERE p.teamid = c.teamid AND p.period=c.period-1))*c.t_rating)-100) AS improv FROM #__mrt_game_results c LEFT JOIN #__users ON (#__users.username = c.teamid) LEFT Join #__mrt_team_sponsors ON (#__mrt_team_sponsors.teamid = c.teamid) WHERE c.period="12" AND c.game="merit2013" AND c.dat_tim > "2012-01-01 00:00:01" ) AS T1, (SELECT @rank := 0) AS r ORDER BY result DESC LIMIT 10 {/arisqltablequery}{/arisqltable}{/arijdatatable}

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