MTR's 'New Lines New Minds Enginetic' leap two places and past their colleagues to take pole position, while the other MTR team 'New Lines New Minds' remain in second. Arup's 'They think its all Ova' slip to 3rd from first, so it might not quite be all over yet. MottMac's 'MM MoneyMakers' hold 4th place. So the top four are still there. Arup's 'The Ovaheads' climb from 7th to 5th to join the top six placing two Arup teams in the top six. Arup and MottMac with two previous Championships each may well be playing for who's best. The 6th place is held by ‘Aurecon Global’ down from 5th.
Atkins India's 'VIRTUS' up to 7th from 9th are threatening. AURECON's 'Unicon' down to 8th from 6th are still there or thereabouts. AMEY MDP slip one place to 9th but are still not out of it. Atkins HK's 'NOVA' hold on 10th ready for the final push. The CIOB HQ teams are at 27 and 29 and need a good effort in the last round to make the final.
Lower down big movers include 'Murphy's Cannock' up to 41st from 64th with an 18% improvement as with TaylorWoodow/BAM's 'Victorious Station Upgrade' move to 64th from 75th.
Our student teams UTM are at 13th and Manchester University's 'Fenns Stars' at 57 and 'Emsleys stars' at 88. Margaret Emsley is Loughborough trained but that isn't shining through!
The competition for the top six is as hot as its ever been. The top four are looking good but its too soon to be confident. The other places are being fought for and we can't predict the out-turn. We'll just have to wait for the final round.
{arijdatatable bAutoWidth="false"} {arisqltable} {arisqltablecolumns} {arisqltablecolumn id="rank" alias="Position" className="idg" className="centerit"} {arisqltablecolumn id="team" alias="Team" headerClassName="head"} {arisqltablecolumn id="sponsor" alias="Sponsor" headerClassName="head"} {arisqltablecolumn id="result" alias="Total Rating" headerClassName="head" className="centerit"} {arisqltablecolumn id="improv" alias="% Improve." headerClassName="head" className="centerit"} {/arisqltablecolumns} {arisqltablequery} SELECT @rank := @rank + 1 AS rank, T1.* FROM ( SELECT AS team, #__mrt_team_sponsors.sponsor AS sponsor, c.t_rating as result, ROUND(((100/(SELECT p.t_rating FROM #__mrt_game_results p WHERE p.teamid = c.teamid AND p.period=c.period-1))*c.t_rating)-100) AS improv FROM #__mrt_game_results c LEFT JOIN #__users ON (#__users.username = c.teamid) LEFT Join #__mrt_team_sponsors ON (#__mrt_team_sponsors.teamid = c.teamid) WHERE c.period="11" AND"merit2013" AND c.dat_tim > "2012-01-01 00:00:01" ) AS T1, (SELECT @rank := 0) AS r ORDER BY result DESC LIMIT 10 {/arisqltablequery}{/arisqltable}{/arijdatatable}