p9 graphMTR's 'New Lines New Minds', Arup's 'They think its all Ova' and MTR's 'New Lines New Minds Enginetic' all hold station at the top as we enter the final three 'Early Years' periods of MERIT 2013.

Behind them, Amey's MDP has leapfrogged to 4th consolidating their place in the top six, while Atkins India's 'VIRTUS' take over the Atkins charge in 5th from 'NOVA' who have dropped a position to 8th.

Aurecon appear to be hedging their bets with their teams 'Aurecon Global' and 'Unicon' hovering in 6th and 7th, while there's a hint of a two-pronged attack from Mott MacDonalds's 'Mott MacDonald Maverick' and 'MM Money Makers' who are poised in 10th and 11th. Mean while Arup's 'The Ovaheads' have quitely move up from 13th to 9th.

'UTM' have dropped from a promising 10th to 15th, while 'AECOMANDERS' and 'STW asset creation's' surge in round 8 appears to have paused. Maybe they are gathering themselves for a final push.

The biggest jumpers this period are 'Amey Services Limited' with a 27% improvment that moves them from 70th to 46th, and 'Kierly the Best' whose improvment of 23% moves them up to 68th from 81st.

While the top three may be planning a trip to Loughborough for the Final, with still three rounds to go, no one is safe.
As the game now squeezes in two rounds each week, pressure on the decision making has increased. This is a time for clear analytical thinking not a time for wild decisions that if successful are described as courageous and if unsuccessful described as foolhardy. Success isn’t built on wild gambles but on carefully consider analysis.


{arijdatatable bAutoWidth="false"} {arisqltable} {arisqltablecolumns} {arisqltablecolumn id="rank" alias="Position" className="idg" className="centerit"} {arisqltablecolumn id="team" alias="Team" headerClassName="head"} {arisqltablecolumn id="sponsor" alias="Sponsor" headerClassName="head"} {arisqltablecolumn id="result" alias="Total Rating" headerClassName="head" className="centerit"} {arisqltablecolumn id="improv" alias="% Improve." headerClassName="head" className="centerit"} {/arisqltablecolumns} {arisqltablequery} SELECT @rank := @rank + 1 AS rank, T1.* FROM ( SELECT #__users.name AS team, #__mrt_team_sponsors.sponsor AS sponsor, c.t_rating as result, ROUND(((100/(SELECT p.t_rating FROM #__mrt_game_results p WHERE p.teamid = c.teamid AND p.period=c.period-1))*c.t_rating)-100) AS improv FROM #__mrt_game_results c LEFT JOIN #__users ON (#__users.username = c.teamid) LEFT Join #__mrt_team_sponsors ON (#__mrt_team_sponsors.teamid = c.teamid) WHERE c.period="9" AND c.game="merit2013" AND c.dat_tim > "2012-01-01 00:00:01" ) AS T1, (SELECT @rank := 0) AS r ORDER BY result DESC LIMIT 10 {/arisqltablequery}{/arisqltable}{/arijdatatable}

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