see saws

'Chai Dragons' of Manchester swap places with 'SWOLE' of NUS. So 'Chai Dragons' improving by 11% are now first and 'SWOLE' improving by 6% are second.

All others are in the same place as last round 'TaskForce 141' of GCU improving by 10% and 'Prasinos Aegis' of Manchester improving by 13%, the highest improvement this round, failed to move up.

'SWOLE' are 111 points behind 'Chai Dragons', so 'SWOLE' would need to score 111 points or just over 5% more than 'Chai Dragons' to overtake them. If 'Chai Dragons' improved 10% next round 'SWOLE' would need to score 15% to overtake them. Not an impossible gap to overcome so its still competitive. 'Task Force 141' are 145 points behind 'Chai Dragons' and would need to score 145 points or nearly 7% more than 'Chai Dragons' to overtake them. If 'Chai Dragons' improved 10% the 'Taskforce 141' would need to improve by 17% to overtake the. Not impossible but getting more challenging. Similarly 'Prasinos Aegis' are 166 points behind 'Chai Dragons'. So 'Prasinos Aegis' would need to improve by 166 points or 7.8% to overtake 'Chai Dragons'. So if 'Chai Dragons' improved by 10% 'Prasinos Aegis' would need to improved by 17.8% to overtake them. Not impossible but getting more challenging.

The next round is that last round of the early stage. How will the teams react. 'Chai Dragons' need a good solid average performance to stay ahead. They can’t afford a mistake. So they will be careful maybe even cautious. This might restrict their score. If Chai Dragons' caution guarding against a mistake only produced an improvement of say 5% in the next round then it would be open for the following teams to overtake them. This thinking perhaps leaves the following teams to be more adventurous pursuing a higher score. All the decisions and their consequences should be well understood by now. This allows teams to make judgements assessing risk as they pursue a higher score. If they take risks and do well they will be praised for the wisdom of their judgement. If they take risks and get a low score they will be described as foolhardy!

Its time to scrutinise the see-saw decisions as we teeter-totter into the last early stage round.


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