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MERIT 2012 Results Graph
team Period 4 Period 5 Period 6 Period 7 Period 8 Period 9 Period 10 Period 11 Period 12
IMF (Impossible Mission Force) 1000 1555 1837 2268 2625 2952 3358 3745 4192
An Engineer Fixed my Printer 1000 1479 1747 2058 2439 2696 3035 3565 3984
Atkins Rivers & Coastal Warrington 1000 1501 1697 1878 2327 2560 2839 3031 3735
AureCAN 1000 1502 1659 1968 2341 2549 2755 3184 3569
Gaussian Eliminators 1000 1430 1722 2027 2336 2550 2866 3236 3545
DDH 1000 1510 1805 2129 2465 2746 3051 3504 3538
TOP NOTCHERS 1000 1315 1570 1756 2189 2444 2689 3131 3460
Gee Whiz 1000 1305 1540 1877 2219 2461 2789 3183 3433
Risky Business 1000 1429 1758 1986 2293 2590 2901 3059 3315
Motts Africa 1000 1482 1618 2036 2228 2398 2721 2889 3310
LGV Construction Ltd 1000 1355 1584 1827 2134 2314 2729 2991 3248
AureConstruction 1000 1500 1752 1992 2167 2574 2919 3045 3220
Firm Foundations 1000 1387 1653 1854 2161 2442 2685 3002 3215
Cyrus Construction 1000 1334 1540 1868 2028 2334 2497 2736 3211
Little Dockers 1000 1358 1596 1841 2122 2305 2657 2871 3157
Aure-Con Carne 1000 1374 1617 1870 2240 2494 2551 2831 3147
Motts Newcastle 1000 1345 1708 1932 2330 2541 2716 2952 3058
Nittany Lions Construction Company 1000 1324 1496 1655 1973 2202 2346 2682 3021
The Great Western 1000 1411 1709 1905 2143 2427 2636 2955 3019
Knightmare Construction 1000 1338 1570 1884 2070 2221 2470 2626 2937
SBBJV 4 1000 1347 1583 1698 2035 2257 2435 2563 2911
Happold Horizon 1000 1381 1600 1837 2163 2378 2685 2938 2902
Bucket and Spade Construction 1000 1217 1487 1705 1977 2115 2351 2584 2895
KBJV 1000 1408 1600 1826 2182 2229 2432 2836 2880
Le Grande Fromage 1000 1320 1536 1777 2077 2203 2462 2743 2850
Waterholics 1000 1367 1625 1780 2104 2166 2386 2628 2835
Ovathought 1000 1330 1526 1869 2065 2199 2456 2760 2819
The A-Team 1000 1385 1567 1730 2122 2219 2445 2651 2782
RPS de resistance 1000 1331 1569 1699 2082 2177 2320 2712 2775
All Ova It 1000 1409 1624 1855 2073 2322 2526 2736 2767
Atkins GE 1000 1335 1536 1674 2068 2120 2386 2774 2763
VSU 1000 1368 1581 1681 1841 2076 2221 2578 2713
Atkins India 1000 1246 1508 1710 2017 2036 2482 2598 2699
Construct360° 1000 1378 1567 1690 2007 2151 2285 2456 2692
Limelight Tshwane 1000 1350 1552 1777 2012 2227 2500 2711 2649
Mott MacDonald MNC 1000 1245 1399 1644 1877 2118 2325 2631 2614
Veni Vidi Vinci 1000 1443 1568 1692 1946 2141 2480 2638 2605
Brain Crunchers 1000 1334 1383 1470 1694 1847 1918 2352 2553
Big Bridges Massive Motorways 1000 1486 1498 1555 1885 2068 2204 2424 2494
Kierly The Best 1000 1352 1601 1709 1978 2141 2350 2566 2485
Limelight Cape Town 1000 1193 1184 1334 1635 1775 1989 2187 2408
The Broomie Outlaws 1000 1269 1534 1797 2009 1907 2192 2384 2353
Bridge Busters 1000 1127 1236 1452 1544 1679 1942 2103 2293
A-one+ 1000 1005 1288 1456 1772 1800 1836 2029 2210
Mott Mac (with cheese) 1000 1363 1478 1768 2068 1981 2157 2170 2125
Constructures 1 1000 915 1100 1177 1524 1616 1538 1889 1958
Mancunian Might 1000 1200 1270 1479 1625 1602 1715 1906 1848
TCR Elect 1000 1090 890 717 726 804 924 1116 1251
Bridge Blasters 1000 1342 1100 1077 1166 1213 1195 1146 1173
UTM-CTMC Group 1000 1240 1487 1524 1363 860 987 939 866
Amey All Stars 1000 1045 929 450 542 617 647 777 782
UTM-ICON Group 1000 1086 809 527 381 244 196 196 143

Is it a bird, is it a plane .....no it's Impossible Mission Force!

ARUP team IMF maintained their grip on the leader board with another solid performance in round 8. DDF and An Engineer fixed my Printer remain in contention and like Sir Chris Hoy are waiting to round the final bend before swooping down for the win! The Team award is hotting up with Atkins, Mott MacDonald and Aurecon all in good shape to take the trophy. Improver of the week goes to Constructures 1 who bagged an impressive 29% improvement. A special mention is also due to Amey All Stars who clawed their way off the bottom of the pack after taking their eye off the ball in the last round. We are still waiting to hear the Nittany Lions roar and the Bridge Busters and Blasters to bring the house down!

Stay tuned ...


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1IMF (Impossible Mission Force)Arup2625
2DDHAtkins China Limited (Hong Kong)2465
3An Engineer Fixed my PrinterSkanska2439
5Gaussian EliminatorsAurecon2336
6Motts NewcastleMott MacDonald2330
7Atkins Rivers & Coastal WarringtonAtkins Limited2327
8Risky BusinessAtkins Limited2293
9Aure-Con CarneAurecon2240
10Motts AfricaMott MacDonald2228
11Gee WhizTony Gee2219
12TOP NOTCHERSMWH Resourcenet India Pvt. Ltd2189
13KBJVKier BAM Joint Venture2182
15Happold HorizonBuro Happold Ltd2163
16Firm FoundationsBachy Soletanche2161
17The Great WesternURS2143
18LGV Construction LtdAurecon2134
19Little DockersBabcock International Group2122
19The A-TeamAtkins Limited2122
21WaterholicsSouth East Water / Jacobs Engineering UK2104
22RPS de resistanceRPS Newark2082
23Le Grande FromageVinci Construction UK2077
24All Ova ItArup2073
25Knightmare ConstructionSKM2070
26Atkins GEAtkins2068
26Mott Mac (with cheese)Mott MacDonald2068
28OvathoughtArup & Partners International2065
29SBBJV 4Skanska Balfour Beatty JV2035
30Cyrus ConstructionSKM2028
31Atkins IndiaWS Atkins India Pvt. Ltd.2017
32Limelight TshwaneAurecon South Africa (Pty) Ltd2012
33The Broomie OutlawsAtkins Limited2009
35Kierly The BestKier Construction Ltd.1978
36Bucket and Spade ConstructionMilk Architecture & Design Ltd. / Expedition Engineering Ltd1977
37Nittany Lions Construction CompanyThe Pennsylvania State University1973
38Veni Vidi VinciVinci Construction UK1946
39Big Bridges Massive MotorwaysBalfour Beatty Mott MacDonald JV1885
40Mott MacDonald MNCMott MacDonald1877
41VSUTaylor Woodrow BAM Nuttall JV1841
43Brain CrunchersMWH Resourcenet India Pvt. Ltd1694
44Limelight Cape TownAurecon1635
45Mancunian MightMorgan Sindall Professional Services1625
46Bridge BustersBalfour Beatty Regional Civil Engineering Ltd1544
47Constructures 1Hydrock Structures 11524
48UTM-CTMC GroupUTM1363
49Bridge BlastersBalfour Beatty Regional Civil Engineering Ltd1166
50TCR ElectTaylor Woodrow BAM Nuttall JV726
51Amey All StarsAmey542
52UTM-ICON GroupUTM381

To dream the impossible dream...

IMF (Impossible Mission Force) cemented their position at the top of the leader board with an emphatic 23% improvement to stretch their lead to 139 points from their closest competitor DDH. Skanska team - 'An engineer fixed my printer' moved from 5th to 3rd slot, but riser of the week goes to Motts Africa who jump 10 places with a truly impressive improvement of 26%. Further down the table Ovathought also had an excellent round moving from 33rd to 15th. Another round like that and they will be serious contenders. There is much intercompany rivalry becoming apparent – Team Aurecon are packing well with 3 teams in the top 8.

It’s still early doors – there is much to play for and as the market changes the differences between cautious and courageous strategies will become evident. But which is best...? Only time will tell.


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1IMF (Impossible Mission Force)Arup2268
2DDHAtkins China Limited (Hong Kong)2129
3An Engineer Fixed my PrinterSkanska2058
4Motts AfricaMott MacDonald2036
5Gaussian EliminatorsAurecon2027
7Risky BusinessAtkins Limited1986
9Motts NewcastleMott MacDonald1932
10The Great WesternURS1905
11Knightmare ConstructionSKM1884
12Atkins Rivers & Coastal WarringtonAtkins Limited1878
13Gee WhizTony Gee1877
14Aure-Con CarneAurecon1870
15OvathoughtArup & Partners International1869
16Cyrus ConstructionSKM1868
17All Ova ItArup1855
18Firm FoundationsBachy Soletanche1854
19Little DockersBabcock International Group1841
20Happold HorizonBuro Happold Ltd1837
21LGV Construction LtdAurecon1827
22KBJVKier BAM Joint Venture1826
23The Broomie OutlawsAtkins Limited1797
24WaterholicsSouth East Water / Jacobs Engineering UK1780
25Limelight TshwaneAurecon South Africa (Pty) Ltd1777
25Le Grande FromageVinci Construction UK1777
27Mott Mac (with cheese)Mott MacDonald1768
28TOP NOTCHERSMWH Resourcenet India Pvt. Ltd1756
29The A-TeamAtkins Limited1730
30Atkins IndiaWS Atkins India Pvt. Ltd.1710
31Kierly The BestKier Construction Ltd.1709
32Bucket and Spade ConstructionMilk Architecture & Design Ltd. / Expedition Engineering Ltd1705
33RPS de resistanceRPS Newark1699
34SBBJV 4Skanska Balfour Beatty JV1698
35Veni Vidi VinciVinci Construction UK1692
37VSUTaylor Woodrow BAM Nuttall JV1681
38Atkins GEAtkins1674
39Nittany Lions Construction CompanyThe Pennsylvania State University1655
40Mott MacDonald MNCMott MacDonald1644
41Big Bridges Massive MotorwaysBalfour Beatty Mott MacDonald JV1555
42UTM-CTMC GroupUTM1524
43Mancunian MightMorgan Sindall Professional Services1479
44Brain CrunchersMWH Resourcenet India Pvt. Ltd1470
46Bridge BustersBalfour Beatty Regional Civil Engineering Ltd1452
47Limelight Cape TownAurecon1334
48Constructures 1Hydrock Structures 11177
49Bridge BlastersBalfour Beatty Regional Civil Engineering Ltd1077
50TCR ElectTaylor Woodrow BAM Nuttall JV717
51UTM-ICON GroupUTM527
52Amey All StarsAmey450