MERIT 2024
Participation Terms and Conditions

Construction Industry Simulations Ltd, hereinafter known as MERIT, reserves the right to modify or amend the prize, rules or terms and conditions of the challenge at any time. Any changes will be publicised on the website and communicated to all participants.

Team Member Criteria

  • Not have been a past Champion - previous competitors who have not been crowned a MERIT Champion are welcome to compete again
  • Provide a valid email address as part of the registration process

Team Criteria

  • Be made up of a minimum of two and a maximum of four members
  • Not have members who are competing as part of another team

Participant Responsibilities

  • There are no age restrictions on team members entering.
  • Each member of the team will assume the responsibility of a board member of their ‘company’.
  • Participants may be requested to take part in promotional activity relating to their involvement in the challenge, and MERIT reserves the right to use the name(s) of the participants, their photographs and audio/visual recordings of them in any publicity.
  • Failure to comply with any rules, terms and conditions of the challenge may result in the participating teams’ disqualification and/or the forfeit of the team’s prize.

The Final

  • MERIT reserves the right to limit the number of teams invited to the Final from an individual Sponsor

For Residential Finals

Competing in the Final

  • A minimum of two team members must be physically present at the Final.
  • Finalists must be available to travel abroad (where applicable) and participate in the Final.


  • Finalists are responsible for financing and securing their own travel and travel insurance to the Final.
  • MERIT will organise and pay for one night’s accommodation.
  • MERIT has contracts with various suppliers in order to host the Final. In all instances there are specific cancellation and reduction terms which need to be adhered to in order to avoid financial penalties. In the event that these penalties are incurred as a result of cancellations/changes and no-shows by a team or an individual MERIT reserves the right to recover these penalties from the team concerned.
  • MERIT reserves the right to charge individuals a fee for amendments made to any accommodation or activity which results in a cost to MERIT.

Travel Documents

  • Finalists are responsible for financing and securing their own visas. If necessary, MERIT will supply a supporting letter to accompany the visa application.
  • It is the personal responsibility of finalist and guest invited to the finals to ensure that they are in possession of the correct documentation prior to departure.


  • MERIT does not take responsibility for any delay and/or loss as a result of your failure to reconfirm any flight/and or connecting flight.
  • MERIT does not hold itself responsible for any transportation delays prior to departure, during the course of the event, and after the event, brought about by technical difficulties, strikes, weather conditions or any other unforeseen circumstances that are beyond our control.


  • Trialling will be made available to the Team when it is opened and upon successful completion of Registration.
  • Trialling will be limited to a maximum of 25 Trials per Team where payment in full or a valid Purchase Order has been received by MERIT.
  • Trialling for teams that have Pre-Registered or where a valid Purchase Order has not bee received will be limited to 5 Trials.

Payment and Invoicing

  • Payment may be made at the time of Registration (invoice on request) or outstanding teams will be invoiced when the Second round (Period 6) of the game commences.
  • Payment in full must be received by the due date specified on the invoice. This is normally 30 days of the invoice date. If payment is not received in full by the due date, MERIT may charge penalties and interest as specified in the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998
  • Methods of accepted payment include, Credit Card, Bank Transfer and PayPal. Full details are listed on issued invoices.
  • The first £25 (+VAT where applicable) hereinafter known as the administration cost of any full Registration or Pre-Registration fee is non-refundable. 
  • A refund of any payment minus the administration cost received by MERIT will be given on request providing the Team requesting the refund has not submitted the Second round (Period 6) data for processing. Requests for refunds after a Second round data submission will be given at the discretion of MERIT.